9 Best Smart Home Blogs You Should Follow in 2024

best smart home blogs

The concept of a “smart home” is no longer science fiction; it’s here and now. Homeowners in today’s age of fast technological development are constantly on the lookout for methods to improve the smartness, efficiency, and convenience of their homes. Blogs dedicated to smart home technology have quickly become a go-to source for information, advice, and user evaluations. We have curated 7 of the best smart home blogs you can check out for your smart home-related news and tips.

Key Takeaways:

  • The article lists the best smart home blogs to follow for the latest trends and insights.
  • It includes blogs that cover a variety of smart home topics, from DIY projects to tech reviews.
  • Each blog is briefly described with its unique focus and strengths.
  • The article aims to help readers stay informed and make smarter decisions regarding home automation.

Best Smart Home Blogs


CNET Smart Home homepage

CNET Smart Home is a reputable source for comprehensive smart home product reviews, how-to guides, and industry news. Their in-depth analyses provide valuable insights for those seeking to make informed decisions about their smart home setup.

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The Verge

The Verge Smart Home page

The Verge’s Smart Home section offers insightful reviews and feature articles covering the latest smart home devices and technologies. Their engaging content and expert opinions make it a must-visit for anyone interested in the smart home space.

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TechHive Smart Home page

TechHive’s Smart Home section is a go-to destination for expert reviews, comparisons, and buying guides related to smart home gadgets and appliances. Their practical advice helps readers choose the best solutions for their homes.

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Digital Trends

DigitalTrends Smart Home page

Digital Trends’ Smart Home section delivers in-depth reviews, news, and buying guides for smart home devices, making it a valuable resource for consumers looking to enhance their living spaces with technology.

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Gizmodo Smart Home page

Gizmodo’s Smart Home section features a mix of product reviews, news, and opinion pieces on smart home technology. Their engaging content and diverse perspectives make it an exciting platform for smart home enthusiasts.

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Smart Home Solver

Smart Home Solver Homepage

Smart Home Solver offers a plethora of how-to guides, product reviews, and comparisons to assist readers in making informed decisions about smart home products. Their focus on user-friendly content makes it easy for anyone to understand and implement smart home solutions.

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The Ambient

The Ambient Homepage

The Ambient covers the latest in smart home devices, trends, and how they integrate into our lives. Their visually appealing articles and expert insights make it a top destination for smart home enthusiasts.

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HomeTechHacker Homepage

HomeTechHacker focuses on practical DIY smart home projects, reviews, and guides. It offers detailed tutorials and real-life experiences to help readers integrate technology into their homes efficiently and affordably. Topics range from home security systems to smart lighting setups, catering to both beginners and advanced users.

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Stacey on IoT

StaceyonIoT homepage

Stacey on IoT, run by Stacey Higginbotham, covers the latest trends, news, and insights in the Internet of Things (IoT) industry. The blog features expert commentary on smart home devices, emerging technologies, and how IoT impacts everyday life. Stacey also hosts a popular podcast discussing these themes in depth.

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What Makes a Blog Smart Home-Focused?

A smart home blog will cover a wide range of topics related to smart home automation and wireless gadgets. The themes discussed in these blogs are quite varied, ranging from smart lighting and security to voice assistants and energy management.

Benefits of Reading Smart Home Blogs

There are several advantages to reading blogs on smart homes. It updates you on the newest technological developments, guides your smart device purchases, deepens your familiarity with connected gadgets, and helps you fine-tune your smart home’s infrastructure.

How to Start Your Own Smart Home Blog

Starting a blog on smart home technology may be a rewarding experience if you have a genuine interest in the topic and enjoy writing. Start by zeroing in on a certain market, developing a user-friendly website, and publishing interesting, informative content.

Tips for a Successful Smart Home Blog

If you want to make it as a smart home blogger, you need to stand out from the crowd by providing useful, original material, maintaining a regular publishing schedule, interacting with your readers, and promoting your site through social media.

User Engagement

The success of a smart home blog depends on the participation of its readers. Promote dialogue, engage with comments, and develop interactive content to bring your audience closer together.

Building a Community

If you want to grow an audience for your smart home blog, you need to give your readers a place to meet, talk, and exchange knowledge. Encourage this by holding live Q&A sessions, social media groups, or forums.


Building relationships with other bloggers that write on smart homes may help you learn from them, share what you’ve learned, and reach a wider audience. Participate in blogging groups and go to related conferences to meet others who share your interests.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Avoid typical errors including a lack of creativity, disregarding SEO best practices, skipping over user experience, and failing to diversify your material if you want to succeed in the competitive world of smart home blogging.

Staying Updated in the Smart Home Industry

The market for smart homes is vibrant and always developing. Keep up with the latest developments in your field by reading trustworthy news outlets, checking in with industry leaders on social media, and attending relevant events like webinars and conferences.

The Future of Smart Home Blogs

Smart home blogging has a bright future because of the steady stream of new innovations in this space. Bloggers, in order to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry, will need to be flexible, creative, and open to new ideas.

Smart Home Blog Frequently Asked Questions

Can anyone start a smart home blog, or do you need specialized knowledge?

Anyone with an interest in technology and a desire to learn and teach may start a blog on smart homes.

How often should I post on my smart home blog to keep my readers engaged?

Consistency is the name of the game, so A. If you want people to keep coming back for more, you should update at least once a week.

Are there any costs associated with starting a smart home blog?

Domain registration, web hosting, and maybe some custom programming if you want your blog to be unique than others.

Can I make money from my smart home blog, and if so, how?

You may earn money from your blog in a number of ways, including affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and digital product sales.

How do I stay updated with the latest trends in the smart home industry?

The best way to stay current in your field is to read authoritative industry blogs, participate in webinars and forums, and network with other experts through social media.

Final Words

Blogs on smart homes are extremely helpful resources for those looking to learn more about the ins and outs of home automation. We can all work toward a better, more interconnected future if we keep up with emerging technology, learn from one another, and develop strong bonds of friendship and cooperation.

Joey Lee is an IT professional and smart home enthusiast whose expertise transcends traditional boundaries. Beyond his professional endeavors, Spencer is a dedicated advocate for the transformative power of smart technology, sharing his insights to inspire others.

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